Англійська мова. Jeopardy quiz. Тести

У посібнику подано завдання з відповідями в межах мовних тем, які вивчаються згідно з навчальними програмами в середній школі. Посібник стане у пригоді для успішної організації виховної роботи з англійської мови, особливо у підготовці інтелектуальних виховних заходів, таких як вікторини, брейн-ринги, круглі столи тощо.
Матеріал рекомендований вчителям англійської мови загальноосвітніх і спеціалізованих шкіл, ліцеїв, гімназій.


Немає в наявності

Артикул: 15 Категорії: , Позначка:

Передмова ...................................4
People of present and past ...........6
Who said this?..............................8
The USA. Some facts from geography and history ..................10
Inventions and inventors ..............13
The Earth. Countries ....................17
Australia: facts and figures ..........19
Football ........................................21
Soccer yesterday ..........................22
William Shakespeare....................24
Mass media. Facts and figures .....31
Newspapers & magazines ............33
Radio ............................................33
Television .....................................34
The Internet ..................................34
Electronic mail .............................35
The world wide web ....................36
The information age .....................37
The seven wonders of the ancient world .................38
The seven wonders of the Middle
Computer and Internet terms .......41
How do we call them? .................41
Who are they? ..............................42
Some more computer words ........42
Names for young animals ............45
What do these acronyms stand
for? ...............................................47
Ukraine .........................................51
Culture and traditions...................54
Great Britain: history ...................56
Great Britain: geographical position ..................57
Ages you can do things leggaly ...59
British state system ......................60
Westminster Palace and traditions
in Parliament ................................64
How are they different? ...............65
London and other cities and
towns ............................................66
How are they different or alike? ..66
Sources .........................................67
Canada Day ..................................68
Star dogs quiz...............................70
Ten easy ice-breaker questios! .....72
General knowledge quiz
(use to warm up your students)....73
Animal quiz..................................74
Environment .................................76
Animal extinction.........................76
How well do you know your body...............78
Music idioms................................80
Idioms with colours......................82
Flowers and plants .......................84
Do you know fairy tales? .............84
Sherlock Holmes quiz ..................86
Halloween quiz ............................86
Pets ...............................................89
Dogs .............................................91
General knowledge quiz 2 ...........93
Phrasal verbs ................................94
In ..................................................97
Homonyms ...................................99
Famous quotations .....................100
Dress and fashion .......................101
More about fashion ....................102
Kitchen. Food.............................105
Only food ...................................107
Vegetables ..................................108
Drinks .........................................109
Idioms with numbers..................110
Familiar and not very familiar ...111
Road safety rules (the uk) ..........116


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