Англійська мова. Уроки. 8 клас

Авторами цієї книги є вчителі-практики, які пройшли вишкіл у Британській раді. Підручник розроблено для вчителів, які викладають англійську мову у 8-их класах загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. У книзі ґрунтовно розроблено 8 основних тем ситуативного спілкування, передбачених навчальними програмами МОН.

У книзі міститься велика кількість оригінальних вправ, які допоможуть учням сконцентруватись на розвитку їх комунікативних навичок.


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Артикул: 9786177290581 Категорії: , Позначки: , ,


Орієнтовне календарно-тематичне планування

UNIT 1. My Friends and I
Lesson 1. A Friend in Need
Lesson 2. A Friend in Need
Lesson 3. Our Friends are Different
Lesson 4. International Friendship Day
Lesson 5. Relationships
Lesson 6. A Pen Pal
Lesson 7. A Pen Pal
Lesson 8. Friendship

Читати далі

Lesson 9. Friendship
Lesson 10. Friendship
Lesson 11. Friendship
Lesson 12. Friendship

UNIT 2. Lifestyle
Lesson 1. What Is a Healthy Lifestyle?
Lesson 2. What Are the Benefits of Exercise?
Lesson 3. Why Exercise Is Cool
Lesson 4. Why Exercise Is Cool
Lesson 5. Be a Fit Kid!
Lesson 6. Healthy Eating Habits
Lesson 7. We Are What We Eat
Lesson 8. Healthy Life
Lesson 9. Good Health
Lesson 10. Simple Steps to Having Good Health
Lesson 11. Simple Steps to Having Good Health
Lesson 12. Love Yourself and Live Healthy Life

UNIT 3. School Library
Lesson 1. Books in our Life
Lesson 2. Books in our Life
Lesson 3. Books in our Life
Lesson 4. Books in our Life
Lesson 5. At the Library
Lesson 6. At the Library
Lesson 7. At the Library
Lesson 8. My Favourite Book
Lesson 9. My Favourite Book
Lesson 10. My Favourite Literary Character
Lesson 11. Book and Writing
Lesson 12. Books in Our Life

UNIT 4. Mass Media
Lesson 1. Mass Media in Our Life
Lesson 2. What’s new?
Lesson 3. Newspapers and Magazines
Lesson 4. Magazines for Teens
Lesson 5. What to Read for Breakfast?
Lesson 6. Have You Read the Latest News?
Lesson 7. TV is on, but who is watching?
Lesson 8. Television: For and Against
Lesson 9. Disadvantages of Watching Television
Lesson 10. Surf the Internet!
Lesson 11. Good and Bad Aspects of the Internet
Lesson 12. Modern Life is Impossible without Mass Media

UNIT 5. Music
Lesson 1. Music and me
Lesson 2. Favourite band/singer
Lesson 3. The Beatles
Lesson 4. The History of Rap
Lesson 5. Famous Musicians
Lesson 6. Musical Instruments
Lesson 7. History of musical instruments
Lesson 8. Musical Instruments. Guitar and Piano
Lesson 9. Eurovision
Lesson 10. My favourite song. Project
Lesson 11. Giving Advice
Lesson 12. Revision

UNIT 6. The UK
Lesson 1. The Geographical Position of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Lesson 2. The Geographical Position of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Lesson 3. The Geographical Position of the UK
Lesson 4. Climate of Great Britain
Lesson 5. Climate of Great Britain
Lesson 6. People of the UK
Lesson 7. Tour of the UK
Lesson 8. Tour of the UK
Lesson 9. Tour of London
Lesson 10. Tour of London
Lesson 11. the UK. London
Lesson 12. the UK. London

UNIT 7. Ukraine
Lesson 1. Location and Interesting Facts
Lesson 2. Regions and Language
Lesson 3. Ukrainian Culture
Lesson 4. Ukrainian Costume
Lesson 5. Travel Around Ukraine
Lesson 6. Travel Around Ukraine
Lesson 7. Literature
Lesson 8. Ukrainian Music
Lesson 9. Holidays. Easter
Lesson 10. Holidays. Christmas
Lesson 11. Be a Patriot
Lesson 12. Be Ukrainian

UNIT 8. School Life
Lesson 1. My Confession about the school
Lesson 2. School Subjects and Timetable
Lesson 3. School Supplies
Lesson 4. School Rules
Lesson 5. School Uniform
Lesson 6. Exam Tips
Lesson 7. School Issues. Bulling
Lesson 8. My School
Lesson 9. Future School
Lesson 10. The Fun They Had
Lesson 11. School news
Lesson 12. School and Me

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